Sunday 5 August 2012


Hello, my name is Hoon.
I'd like to say I am a creative entrepreneur from Korea, I was born 1986 in Seoul, Korea.

(a photograph, art directed, prepared and produced by hoon, ma took the actual shot, thanks ma!)

My area of expertise, practice and interests range from music (songwriting, composing, arraging and producing mainly), multimedia art, systems analysing, engineering and designing, design, researching and writing (aesthetic theories and other scientific fields related to human consciousness, cognition, mind, intelligence, AI, neuroscience, biology, life science, physics and so on), blogging, education, culture, society, , technology, quality of life and so on.

Yes, I am very ambitious, dare to dream big, aim it sky-high and expect ridiculously much and I don't think it is delusional nor impractical to be so, at all. Such broad, seemingly unrelated yet specific set of subject matters of mine may come across as schizoidphronic or downright shallow, however, it is because of the way I process information, develop understanding and gain insight- it is merely serial but rather sudden, random, spontaneous, parrallel, hollistic and intuitive in its nature. Of course such random connecting of dots, and such unique discovery happens after I allow myself to critically evaluate and then throughly consume and integrate the appropriate information that I feel that I am resonating on the same wavelength at then from the gut level. In other words, I allow my right brain to decide what kind of seeds should be planted by my left brain and how to grow them and eventually harvest them.

(it is a logo of my name which i scribbled whilst working my mandatory military service in a district office! my military duty is to finish around october, 2013! )

I strongly believe in the power of natural 'Flow' and, how one treats it, how one's attitude towards accepting and harnessing such flow is extremely important in terms of creating and producing something of genuine value- for the sake of mankind and all lives. I am of the belief that one shouldn't reject nor be so narrow-minded towards sudden flow of inspiration they get out of their mundane lives- as long as it is harmless and have positive potentials- no matter how weird or unrelevant it may seem in the first palce- they have to accept and follow such guidance and see where it leads them- and the result can be very treasurous: productive and fertile.

During my upbringing and education in Korea, 9 out of 10 times, I always sensed and felt that I was force-fed distorted beliefs from teachers who didn't realise how important it is to create positive atmosphere and environment, and to respect and allow to flourish creativity which exist in every child. Instead of making students interested, engaged and motivated, instead of instilling healthy, balanced and mature cognition, intelligence and emotion to their students, instead of understanding that every child has different set of talents that require careful fostering, instead of creating naturally interesting and engaging contexts to enable effortless understanding, they created contexts filled with tension, fear, anxiety, self-denial, self-doubt, rejection of self-worth, rejection individuality, distorted self-image, boredom, hate, resistance, unnatural enforcements and deprived ration and reason. They reduced everything down to mindless, snobbish elitism and ill-hearted competition, mass-produce totalitarian mindset and dehumanised components. And since I was a 'Korean' male, there was the mandatory military conscription- Overall, as a human being, who happen to have been brought to life, cluelessly, without me asking in the first place to be born at all, and especially as a Korean male, I was always forced to believe that- my innermost opinions, emotions, personality and uniqueness as a human being is entirely irrelevant, invalid but selfish, sinful thing, and it is best to be ignored, disguised and hidden. Everything was judged in black and white, I was almost convinced that there were only narrow lifeless slave-like role models and options to choose from. But thankfully, even though I struggled, I knew that was a lie, and I needed to protect myself from such culture, and explore new worlds.

(another bizzare yet balanced logo I came up with, whilst working... innit kewl!!!!)

Of course, life is not a free ride, and there are more unfortunate people who I and we shouldn't be always so self-absorbed but instead actually care for as well. But, I didn't want to completely sacrifice my zest of life either, especially if it has no novel purpose. I felt that if I want to give more, if I want to provide better, in the longer run, if I want to help the next person in my flight, I had to put on the oxygen mask myself first. I had to develop properly and co-thrive. So I quit Korean education bundled with some craziest oppressive, dehumanising, devaluing and degrading beliefs, got my high school graduation equivalence test and became educated the west intead- which was relatively more respectful towards diversity, individuality and had understanding over what is 'natural' in terms of education. It allowed me to think more freely, more deeply and gain more valuable insights without neccesarily forcing but it naturally induced me to develop in the right directions- It knew how to embrace uncertainty, it did not regard irrelevant what I wake up and put my heart, energy and focus into. It allowed me to write essays in a more organic way, it allowed me to develop understanding over things in a more organic way.

(angry bird and angry Hoon)

I am not being all pro-west sell-out mentality here since I still think, most educational institution, east or west, at the end of the day, is essentially for the sake of business and organisational management too and bull-shit basically. We are trying to survive in the capitalist society after all aren't we? But, the biggest difference between eastern and western education, in general, was how they made each session or each lecture, each context, each experience personable- The point of education is to help people survive better and coexist in a more harmonious, synergistic and effective society (no reductionist survival of the fittest crap to this please). A knowledge has to have practical, experiential and personal value. Examination is good, but a healthy society should allow its citizens and residents to utilise their natural talent in an effortless flow, and provide sensible range of options, that they will feel safe at once more motivated to come up with, produce and provide more and better. Where has that simple common sense gone in Korea? The division between North and South Korea is only an excuse. We should be able to come up with more efficient and more thought-out system, where, diverse types of people can develop their specific set of skills and function in a seamless, smooth way. Is it really that hard to create such system? I don't think so. If anything, it is the self-interest of some rich, politicians, elites and beauracrats instilling greedy mindset, black and white thinking, social tension, injustice and so on through various means such as media and religion to begin with.

(appearing positively gayous in this particular image of mine)

I was let down so many times, and forced to believe that it is wrong and impossible to make a living out of doing something I genuinely like, can pour my heart, passion, energy, focus, problem solving skills, devotion and so on, something I am naturally good at, something I find value in and care for, but today, as I am writing this article, I confirm my belief, once again, that I, as well as any other human beings, and, lives in the world, have the right to become self-realised in the most unique way possible, and be appreciated and to provide for others. It is creative: I don't know where the flow will lead me, but I will be very diligent in my endeavours, I will embrace the mystery at once with my two feet firmly on the ground. Something amazing and real will come out of it. Whether as a weird yet exquisite pie maker, musician, designer or researcher and so on. Creativity of the 21st century is more of an abstract set of skills and hollistic endeavours and processes- it can manifest in whatever form. It can be music one project, it can be genial problem solving in marketing, it can be emotive, it can be logical, it can be personal, it can be genuine and heartfelt- it is as dynamic as life!

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